Business & Professional Communication
Running a business has its fair share of challenges. Effective communication skills for you and your staff can make a huge difference! It can help you or your staff learn to handle conflict more effectively, whether with each other, or customers. This can not only help retain employees, and create a less toxic work environment, but it can also increase revenue. If you don't see what you need here, let's talk! I can do a needs assessment with you to see how to serve you and meet your personal needs. Here are some skills I can teach: (Not a complete list).
Reducing Miscommunication at Work (Especially when giving medical instructions)
Improving Bedside Manner in a Health Care Setting
Effectively Communicating Distressing News (Whether to patients or families)
Improving Patient Satisfaction in the Medical Setting
Reducing Questions and Follow-up Phone Calls from Patients and Families
Mastering Strong Customer Service Skills
Reducing Miscommunication at Work
Effectively Responding to Angry Yelp Reviews as a Business Owner
Managing Conflict Effectively
Communicating Boundaries
Engaging in Assertive Behavior
Practicing Effective Conflict Management Strategies
Utilizing Collaboration Techniques (Finding a solution where everyone "Wins")
Managing Nonverbal Communication
Using "I" language, (I feel, I want, I need) instead of "You" language during Conflict (Reducing defensive behavior)
Reducing Misattributions by engaging in Perception Checking Techniques (See my blog on how to perform a perception check!)
Recognizing Email Etiquette
Mastering Zoom Etiquette
Improving Presentation Skills at Work
Developing Group Communication Skills
Reducing Speech Anxiety
Handling Argumentation and Debate Effectively
Reducing Social Anxiety
Management Skills
How to Run a Successful Meeting and Project